Pumpkin ice cream is one of my favorite seasonal treats. Since it’s often not available year round, I try to sneak as much of it into my diet as I can! This ice cream cake is so simple to make, but your family is going to think that you went ALL out for it. I used chocolate in the pictures, but vanilla gives you a lighter taste! Feel free to take credit for this cool concoction :)

Graham Cracker Pie Crust

1 gallon pumpkin ice cream

½ gallon chocolate or vanilla ice cream

Whipped cream

Cinnamon for dusting (optional)

Bake the pie crust in the spring-form pan. Cool completely. Separate the bottom of the pan (where the crust is) with the sides. Line the sides with plastic wrap. Put the bottom back into the pan.

Take the ice cream out of the freezer and allow to sit on the counter for 15-20 minutes or until slightly soft. Scoop all the soft pumpkin ice cream into the plastic wrapped lined pan. Spread to make an even layer. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for about 40 minutes, or until firm. Then remove the plastic wrap from the pumpkin layer, and add the vanilla layer. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm.

Remove the sides from the spring-form pan and pop the metal bottom off the crust.

Unwrap the cake from the plastic wrap. Slice and serve with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon!