***You can get this product here
My addiction to crackers is pretty much equivalent to an old lady’s obsession at hoarding free bread in her purse at restaurants…aka I can’t help myself! They are crunchy and salty and bite sized and plentiful; exactly how I like my mindless snacking.
The crackers I’m about to share with you all are VERY addictive. Be warned – if you are a carb/crackerholic like me, stay away or you will consume an entire box in one sitting (I speak from repeated personal experience).
My new favorite crackers are the Kellogg’s Keebler Townhouse Flatbread Crisps: Sea Salt & Olive Oil!
The lengthy name fits the big flavor you get from each bite. Sea salt has been pretty trendy the last few years, and I feel like it has finally met its mass produced carbo soul mate with these crackers. The savory salt wakes up your pallet before you get the silky taste of olive oil. That’s right…a cracker with a silky taste. I know it doesn’t make sense, but trust me, silky is a great way to describe the olive oil flavor. The crackers are majorly crunchy and very very good. The Food Network’s The Next Iron Chef even used them as one of their secret ingredients! Need I say more?
…totally need to buy me some now…
For those of you who are interested in additional product information, here is the website: