My brother found this dumpling joint yearssss ago when he participated in Chinese New Year as one of the dragon dancers (kung fu master). Ever since then, he’s claimed they have the best dumplings in the city…all for 1 buck. This past weekend the family and I trekked out to the Big Apple to see if he was right. The place is called “Fried Dumpling” and is down a side street in Chinatown. To be honest, you’d never look twice in its direction unless you knew what you were looking for. Total hole-in-the-wall New York random goodness.

Well, you walk in, hand over a dollar, and they give you 5 good-sized pan fried dumplings. They’re delicate, warm, juicy, slightly crunchy, and tender. You know how a lot of dumplings tend to be salty? These aren’t. They’re a nice mix and totally hit the spot. Before leaving, make sure to squirt on one of their tasty sauces. I gotta hand it to my brother – he was right. Best dumplings in the city.

Here is the address if you’re interested in going:


106 Mosco St
(between Mulberry St & Mott St)
New York, NY 10013