White Bean and Artichoke Tarts

White Bean and Artichoke Tarts

No, this isn’t an April Fools joke, I am actually posting a recipe today. Who knew I had it in me haha. I know I constantly claim that I’ll become a better blogger and post this or that, but hey, I’m human and do the best I can with the limited free...
Lobster Flatbread with Artichokes

Lobster Flatbread with Artichokes

Two posted recipes in one week?! Am I slowly getting back to normal? No promises yet, but I’m definitely trying my best to keep in touch with you guys more often. Like I said on Wednesday, some settling-into-the-new-job pains have subsided and I’m slowly getting used to the schedule. It’s an adjustment and...
Grilled Mahi-Mahi with Roasted Red Pepper Basil Sauce

Grilled Mahi-Mahi with Roasted Red Pepper Basil Sauce

So apparently mahi mahi is the “poor man’s” lobster…at least that’s what my dad says every time I order off a menu or make it at home. I think someone at a restaurant in Hawaii said that line to him 20 or 30 years ago, and since Hawaii is a haven for...
Crab Pot Pie

Crab Pot Pie

Sorry for my mini blogging hiatus this past week (does a week even count as a hiatus?); I went on vacation to Atlantic Beach, NC for a couple days. Seems like it would be a great place to unwind, but it was a weird trip. The perfect word for it would be...
Garlic Mango Basil Shrimp

Garlic Mango Basil Shrimp

  Screw this nonstop gloom and rain – I’m in the mood for foods that scream summer! Hopefully the sun will peak out in July so I can start eating meals outside again. Especially overlooking the ocean or bay….with a drink in hand….aaaand lots of delicious delicious seafood. In fact, this recipe...
Fruit & Veggie Channa Masala

Fruit & Veggie Channa Masala

  In another life I think I was Indian. I had to have been. It’s the only explanation for my obsession with the Indian culture and food.  Dear lord their food. I can’t get enough and would gladly OD on Indian cuisine if it were possible. I’m about to lay it all...
Tequila Chicken Skewers

Tequila Chicken Skewers

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo! Ole! What did you guys do? Most of my friends went to bars or were recovering from the Kentucky Derby. Me…well, I worked from 9-noon, but my afternoon appointment was canceled so I had the rest of the day off. As soon as I was able to...
Cocoa Roasted Chicken

Cocoa Roasted Chicken

The other day I randomly asked my dad to pick up a whole chicken from the market. I honestly can’t even remember the last night I’ve roasted an entire chicken (except for holidays). So yeah, it’s a pretty rare request. I guess I wanted to plop a roasted bird down onto the...
Low Calorie Creamy Linguini

Low Calorie Creamy Linguini

Warm weather is finally fast approaching! Yay! Even though I can’t wait for warmer weather, it’s time to get my rear into gear and get serious about slimming down for summer. I literally need to do this every year and while it’s never fun, it’s important to feel confident in your body…especially...
Roasted Garlic & Sun-Dried Tomato Calzone

Roasted Garlic & Sun-Dried Tomato Calzone

I watch way more Parks and Recreation reruns than I’d care to admit. Leslie Knope, Ben Wyatt, Ron Swanson, Jerry, Donna!!, and all the rest have become a part of my life. It’s kind of sad how much I quote these characters each day…but let’s be honest, I have no plans to...
Quinoa Stuffed Red Peppers

Quinoa Stuffed Red Peppers

If you live in the US, you definitely know that the Super Bowl was on last night (did anyone else think the power going out was really stupid?). Well, I knew the game was going to be filled with tons of junk food so I wanted to counteract all that madness with...
Stewed Beef with Cranberries

Stewed Beef with Cranberries

There isn’t any kind of special story about this recipe…I kinda just felt like cooking something weird yesterday. I was raiding the fridge and saw bag of cranberries tucked away in one of the drawers. Even though we don’t usually associate January with cranberries, I thought it would still be fun make...